Young Professionals: Certificate I
There is no replacement for a strong start and the CPD’s Young Professionals Certificate will give you just that.
Workplaces can be complicated environments and finding your “best fit” along with some must-have skills can give you an edge.
Topics included in this essential development program are:
- Generations at Work
- Leading with Purpose
- Influencing without Authority
- Your Personal Brand
- Basic Business Writing
- Financial must-have skills
- Public Speaking
Young Professionals: Certificate I is offered in a variety of formats and can also be customized, to suit the particular challenges and needs of your unique workplace and industry.
Change Management: Lead AND Succeed
70% of change projects fail.
That is a startling, and unfortunately, all too real statistic.
One of the critical skills for the twenty-first century leader-manager is to make change happen: sometimes by design and sometimes by accident! Regardless of what motivates the change, you do NOT want to be part of the 70%.
Change Management: Lead AND Succeed is intended to help you avoid those less-than-stellar results and make certain that the goals of your change project are realized and stick.
When you have completed this training program you:
- will understand and have hands-on insight into how change management really works (the moving parts);
- will understand how to navigate your organization’s culture;
- will know how to mobilize your teams and identify the different types of influence;
- will understand the critical communications tactics for your change project; and,
- you will leave with a myriad of best practices, tools and resources that you can immediately use for your organization’s change project.
To be part of the 30%, contact CPD Executive Director, at 716-888-8490 or [email protected] .
Be-A-Better-Manager Series
As part of the Be-A-Better-Manager Series, the Performance Management Training Program includes practical information and practices related to the spectrum of manager performance management functions. Coaching, having difficult conversations and performance improvement plans are just a few of the topics covered. Managers leave with their own “What am I now going to do differently? Plan and increased confidence on how to manage their teams.
Be-A-Better-Manager Series Intro:
The series is geared to hands-on, practical and real-life learning for managers at any level. The series can be experienced in its entirety or through individual training modules which include:
- Performance Management
- Performance Reviews
- Employee Communications & Engagement
- Coaching, Mentorship & Peer Leadership
- Feedback & Difficult Conversations
- Team Management Best Practices
- Diversity, Inclusion & Generations in the Workplace
Each program can be delivered conveniently at your place of employment. All participating managers leave the training with our “What can I now do differently” Plan, which supports them in applying their new-found knowledge and skills. They leave with this plan and a renewed sense of confidence.
Professional Communications + Time Management
You can’t talk about business communications and not talk about time: The two are inextricably linked.
In today’s workplace with cross-functional teams, a myriad of communications channels and multiple generations, figuring out HOW to communicate, to WHOM and WHEN can be a bit of a minefield.
The CPD potently addresses this in its Communications-Time Management: Certificate I Program.
Among other things, participants will learn:
- how to discern what communications channel is best for what issue relative to their industry and function;
- how to frame communicating using the PART Model;
- how to identify bias in their communications;
- social media and cell phone etiquette;
- the communications continuum;
- managing information and especially how to avoid “email jail”;
- the essential ingredients to professional business communications; and,
- “rock star” time management disciplines that can make the difference between reacting to circumstances and getting ahead of the curve.
In addition to these, managers can specifically expect to learn:
- job function confusion and the communications conundrum; and,
- precisely how to set communications expectations for their team. They will leave with a framework that they can immediately apply on-the-job.
Think about the following:
- the average employee spends 4.1 hours daily checking email;
- According to a McKinsey report, employees spend 1.8 hours every day—9.3 hours per week, on average—searching and gathering information. Put another way, businesses hire 5 employees but only 4 show up to work; the fifth is off searching for answers, but not contributing any value.” Source: Time Searching for Information.
- 19.8 per cent of business time – the equivalent of one day per working week – is wasted by employees searching for information to do their job effectively,” according to Interact. Source: A Fifth of Business Time is Wasted Searching for Information, says Interact
- IDC data shows that “the knowledge worker spends about 2.5 hours per day, or roughly 30% of the workday, searching for information….60% [of company executives] felt that time constraints and lack of understanding of how to find information were preventing their employees from finding the information they needed.” Source: Information: The Lifeblood of the Enterprise;
- and, that the cost of misunderstanding can be as much as $500 per employee per year and over $600 for companies with 10,000 employees or more. (
Your company’s communications culture may just be undermining your own ROI.
Call the CPD for more information about this vital training opportunity as well as our Communications Audit Services. 716-888-8490
How to Go from Doer to Manager
Did you know that 30% to 50% of first-time managers fail in their new job? Clearly, going from a ‘doer’ role to a manager role is a challenge. Unfortunately, being a successful programmer, salesperson, engineer, or other professional does not guarantee success in management.
Why do so many fail? Oftentimes, it’s simply due to lack of training. Technical, operational and functional skills are significantly different than the skills required to successfully manage people. When you’re in charge, you’re not just following directions; you’re giving them. And you’re not only responsible for accurate and timely delivery of your projects; you have to help others keep their projects on track.
If you’ve recently been appointed to a new role as a manager, or are about to be promoted, this course will teach you how to make the transition as successfully and seamlessly as possible. You’ll learn how to avoid many common problems that can sabotage new managers, as well as what it takes to get your team up and running as quickly as possible. You’ll walk away from this course with a clear pathway toward better results – and management success.
In this course, you’ll learn to:
- Acquire the right mindset so you can become a great leader, not just a boss.
- Manage and motivate your team members so you can get the most from each one.
- Increase your visibility among company stakeholders and earn the respect you deserve.
- Start producing better results almost immediately.
Staff members who are about to be promoted to management; first-time managers; and managers who want to make a faster transition into their management jobs.
- Why managing requires a new perspective and a new approach
- How to avoid the pitfalls of becoming a new manager
- The mindsets, skills and behaviors of effective managers
- How to focus for job results
- Communications skills that build employee commitment
- Learning how to delegate
- How to deal with performance problems
- Developing the right temperament to be an effective manager